The 23rd International Solvent Extraction Conference, 2022, Göteborg, SWEDEN

Conference days:
2022/09/26 – 2022/10/01
Conference venue:
Chalmers Campus Johanneberg Göteborg, SWEDEN
Conference website:

Dear all,

as chairman of the ICSE (Int. Committee of Solvent Extraction) I want to focus your attention at ISEC 22 in Göteborg, Sweden (26.9.-1.10.2022). The congress scheduled at 2020 was twice delayed because of COVID-19. Vital dates and facts you can find at Also new nominations for the Carl Hanson medal and ISEC Award are possible (see and all nominations in 2020 are still valid.

I look forward to meet you at ISEC22.

Best regards

Prof. Hans-Jörg Bart

(Chairman ICSE)